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Do you have a heart for ministry?

We will endeavor to update this page regarding our needs for volunteers for this ministry to Catholic families. Check back to see areas that have been added or removed. If you see a place that fits your gifts, please see the contact page.

Are you looking for a way to be involved in ministry at the conference. 

Areas of need:

  • Guardian Angels, Teens and Parents to assist for a session during the weekend for Toddler Care at the Family Life Conference

  • Food Ministry Helpers (Women of Dignity and Men of Integrity)

  • Registration Support Workers (at any of our Conferences: Men, Women and Family Life)

  • Site Support: Pre, During and Post Family Life Conference

We are very blessed by past and current ministry people who have a given their hearts for this ministry through their many years of service in sharing their gifts and talents.
We acknowledge and thank each person and group who have shared their time and their love for this ministry in support of bringing our Catholic faith to men, women and families.

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Toddler Care: We thank Vince and Marianne Artymko and their family for their love and dedication to the hundreds of toddlers who have visited the Toddler Tent over the many, many years they ran the Toddler Care Ministry ... and the army of Guardian Angels who worked alongside them.


The Artymko Family began this ministry with their own toddlers in tow but continued with those same toddlers becoming the young people working by their side. What a beautiful witness of family life and this family's desire to give parents the freedom to be fully immersed in the conference and the comfort their toddlers were in good hands. CFM is very appreciative and grateful for their faithful sacrifices and labour of love to CFM families. We are blessed!

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Toddler Care: In 2023, Samantha Beier threw herself into this ministry, and gathered together volunteers and Guardian Angels after our three-year hiatus. One of those volunteers was husband, Brendan Beier, a long-time CFM Board Member and Kaitlyn Breederland, a long-time friend, who assisted throughout the weekend. They were an amazing support for Sam who also had a newborn baby and toddler in tow. Sam and Kaitlyn did a stellar job handling this ministry and have many new and exciting plans for Toddler Care, going forward. (Sam also joined the CFM Board as our new Social Media person). Don't be shy to spend some time next year with the 3-5 year-olds. They are busy ... and we welcome parents to step in for a session or two, as any assistance from parents and older siblings (12+) offered for this young, active, and increasing group of children is always greatly appreciated!

We are blessed! 

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