10% Discount Extended until June 15
What an amazing Conference!!!
The Masses and Benediction were a blessing.
The Healing Service was perfect for our theme.
All the speakers challenged and inspired us.
The music was beautiful and worshipful.
The ministries were loved by the children.
The dance was a favorite of the youth.
The coffee houses helped young adults re-connect.
The wind, rain, and cold was a sacrifice of love
for our Lord and the opportunity to share both the
joy and the challenges with our CFM community.
THANK YOU FOR JOINING US! You were a light!
May we continue to
until we meet again!
Conference Highlights
Fr. Larry Richards True to form, Fr. Larry never let us get too comfortable. His desire to see souls in Heaven over-rides any desire to be well-liked or popular as he shouts out the truth with zero sugar-coating. WHY do we love him so much.... well, because he first loved us. It is love that desires the good of the other above all else. THANK YOU Fr. Larry. We look forward to seeing you again.
André & Angelé Regnier
This couple shared the necessity of prayer and stepping out in faith when God calls. Their life work with CCO is an example to their family that has kept them firm in their faith ... the desire of all Catholic parents for their children.
Ken and Janelle Yasinski are a delightful, dynamic duo who took us on an amazing journey into their life. Their naturalness while speaking to hundreds of people made us feel like we were joining them at their kitchen table for a friendly chat about all the important things in life. Check out their website at www.kenandjanelle.com and benefit from their personal story as they become a light and faith support in your weekly journey of Catholic life.
Father Caesarius Marple
Brother Maximus Spoeth
Well done, good and faithful servants. Seeing you throughout the conference speaking with participants or sitting quietly outside in prayer was beautiful. Fr. Caesarius, thank you for sharing your priestly charisms with us in the confessional and celebrating Mass. Your confidence in your vocation as a priest will inspire some new vocations following your visit with us this year. Brother Maximus, thank you for sharing your vocation as a brother. It was well-received by the young adults. You are both in our prayers. Please remember CFM in yours.
Father Raymond LaGrange
What a gift to have you as a newly ordained priest join us for our 25th FLC. Your homily and talk were excellent and very informative. The hours you spent in the confessional were an expression of your love for your vocation and God's family. Your flexibility and assistance are appreciated. Thank you for joining us. We would love it if you could consider sharing your holiday with the CFM community EVERY year!
What a blessing to have the beautifully talented Reinhart family and friends lead us in worship throughout this conference.
Every session in the Shrine began with praise and worship to bring us into the presence of our Lord. Their prayerful music for Benediction, the Healing Service and three of our weekend Masses helped us to be still and attentive to the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.
But that was not all. They organized an amazing "Blast from the Past" Music Fest with musicians that have been part of CFM throughout the past 25 years of the FLC Conference. This was hosted by another CFM favorite, Mike Chiasson. The music was nostalgic and the whole evening just plain fun. The children were delighted to have a surprise visit from the CatChat Man and Moses the Cat. It was heartwarming to see them swarm from all over the Shrine and sit on the concrete right at the front. They knew all the words and actions and demonstrated them with enthusiasm - along with the amazing CatChat family, Gerald and Denise Montpetit. This weekend of music was definitely worthy of a 25th Anniversary Celebration. THANK YOU ALL!
Garnett & Dr. Rebecca Genuis
These two were a delightful change of pace for our conference with the tons of information they imparted on life in the political world and life in a Catholic Family who know where and to whom their priorities belong. Excellent presentation that needs to be unpacked more than than once to fully appreciate it all. Thank you!
John Connelly
This tried and true evangelist did not disappoint as he talked about the gifts of the Holy Spirit with the same enthusiasm as always, and a maturity of someone who has walked the talk throughout his life as a speaker and an evangelist. We heard so many comments about the joy of having you back at the FLC again. Thank you for joining us. You're awesome!
Upfront with the Archbishop is a weekly podcast where we seek to bridge the gap between the hierarchy and the faithful by discussing the beauty, truth, and challenges of our Catholic faith. At this conference we had the opportunity to listen in, and participate with a Q&A.
AB Richard Smith & Jenny Connelly
What a great way to 'get real' with the Bishop. This was like listening in on a great conversation between friends. It was relaxed and interesting
to learn more about his family and call. It also allowed the audience to 'grill the Bishop' with some tough questions. His responses were considered with care and maybe not always the answer we wanted, but helped us understand that being the Archbisop of a very diverse diocese does not come without its complexities. Thank you, AB Smith, for supporting our conferences every year.
If you missed this conference and would like to hear the talks, they are slowly being released through out CFM YouTube Channel.
Follow the link: Catholic Family Ministries - YouTube